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TYPE YOUR PRIMARY EMAIL ADDRESS IN THE BOX ABOVE AND GET THESE TIPS:How to use bad jokes to "prime" people on your list to want to buy from your emails.How to "flip" prospect objections into sales using emails. (If your list is full of skeptics)How to use industry "gossip" to make lots more sales with email. (Every niche and industry has its own "sewing circle" of gossip. And whether that gossip is based on truth, opinion or even downright lies... here's how to use it to increase your sales and profits.)A secret (and 100% ethical and legal) way to profit from spam complaints! (When you know this, you may even look forward to complainers email you.)The bizarre subject line template that's almost guaranteed to explode your open rates wide open every time you use itA non-hypey (almost "sleepy") subject line that gets high open rates virtually every time it's used.Are short subject lines really better than long ones? (The answer may surprise you)A subject line tip I learned while studying an old newspaper advertising genius whose headlines were considered the best of his day. (This is another secret that can increase your open rates right away -- and it's easy, too!)How to use your worst failures to create irresistible subject lines people can't help but open. (Works especially well on the stubborn subscribers who NEVER open your emails!)How to use your PS to slip past peoples' sales defenses. (They won't even realize they're reading a pitch until they've clicked on the order link!)An almost "fool proof" email template that's perfect for doing special sales and product launches. (Best part: It's simple and easy, and has produced many more sales than usual every time I've used it.)What to do if you're not feeling energetic or inspired, but need to get an email out that makes quick sales.The "school yard brawl" subject line that is very hard for male prospects to ignore.A little-known way to profit from older emails you've written months and years ago.An 8 word email opening so naturally curiosity provoking someone would have to be unconscious not to keep reading your email.The George Costanza email marketing secret that: (1) makes it very hard for people on your list NOT to read and (2) can increase your sales substantially every time you use it.And more...This newsletter issue is jam-packed with email tips you can apply in your emails today and see results in your bank account tomorrow.It's yours free when you type in your email address below: